Miau Miau Katzenklau
Verlag: QANGO Spieleverlag UG
Autor/in: Annika Hamann
Illustrator/in: Arnold Reisse
Personenanzahl von: 3–6
Spieldauer: 15 minutes
Altersempfehlung: 5+
Autor/in: Annika Hamann
Illustrator/in: Arnold Reisse
Personenanzahl von: 3–6
Spieldauer: 15 minutes
Altersempfehlung: 5+
Family games
Card games
Miau Miau Katzenklau has both cats and witches in it in some combination.
Do you have a blue cat?
By asking clever questions, steal the colorful cats of your fellow players that are still missing in your collection. But beware - your fellow players are also trying to steal your cats! Defend your darlings with the help of witches and magic pots and be the first to get all the cats you need.