Kathmandu - Classic
Stefan Feld City Collection 8
Verlag: Queen Games
Autor/in: Stefan Feld
Personenanzahl von: 2–4
Spieldauer: 1.5 hours
Altersempfehlung: 14+
Autor/in: Stefan Feld
Personenanzahl von: 2–4
Spieldauer: 1.5 hours
Altersempfehlung: 14+
Connoisseurs games
You lead an expedition and discover Nepal's diverse landscape, temples, cities and finally Kathmandu. Crossing the country is often tricky and requires good planning, the right equipment and a bit of luck. Draw native animal species, trade local goods in the towns and explore the many temples. Achieve as many things as possible on your way, but don't waste any time, because a storm is coming - and it's getting closer!