Verlag: Dragon Dawn Productions
Autor/in: Ren Multamäki
Illustrator/in: Lars Munck
Personenanzahl von: 3–6
Spieldauer: 1.5 hours
Altersempfehlung: 12+
Connoisseurs games Politics Board games Storytelling / Communication

Gray Eminence is a game for 3-6 players set in the modern-day political arena, lasting between 60-90 minutes. Secretive shadowy figures, hidden away from the limelight, use money, power and influence to steer the course of multiple factions such as Foundations and large Corporations toward their own inscrutable ends. It is within these parameters that players take on the roles of these powerful puppet-masters, each working towards common goals as well as their own, secret agenda.

Political Intrigue and Questionable Morality: During a game of between five to eight Rounds, Gray Eminence players attempt to use public displays of goodwill or underhanded tactics, paying lip service to the concept of civilised society and its morality, to resolve a series of international Events. Players work to fulfill Goals that appear to be in the World’s best interest as well as completing additional hidden agendas. Within the political arena there will undoubtedly be Factions that are similarly motivated who will offer their support to one another. However, players will never really be sure who is actually pulling the strings and, consequently, never know who they can fully trust.

World Events and World Solutions: Each game opens with a highly plausible Scenario presented on the world’s political stage. This scenario of Events should, if resolved, benefit humanity. However the means to these ends may not always lie along a socially acceptable path, as the methods can often be questionable. Is it Power, Money or Influence that's needed to get the job done?

In The Shadows: Players bid valuable commodities or resources in secret to secure their place on the Visibility Track. This track not only determines player order, but also dictates what benefits and boons may be awarded to a player making the bid. Rewards can be great but higher activity will bring the player into the light and the notice of the public, a position that would make future underhand decisions far more difficult to undertake successfully.

Players are able to program their Action cards for each round, hoping that other players don’t interfere or upset plans. The advisors work in webs of secrecy, lies and deceit and Factions that once supported each other, may change allegiance. In addition to the dark goings-on, the President of the United States is also on the scene and prone to Tweet what is on his mind, creating further havoc.

Power and Influence: In game terms abstract concepts such as Power represent underhand tactics such as threats, intimidation and physical harm covering a wide spectrum of real-life actions from simple offers of military assistance for adversaries to outright assassinations and coups arranged with mercenary powers. Power comes in many guises and lurks in the most unexpected places, but in game terms, it is always represented as a simple abstract concept. Influence represents persuasion, diplomacy, negotiation and connections. Influence comes, as we know from media coverage, in many shapes and sizes, be it religious, political, sexual, commercial, personal or some more sinister form, but again, in game terms, it is represented by a simple abstract form.

The role of Political movements in Gray Eminence has been deliberately left as an unspecified element, but its intent is still clearly visible.

Bluffs and Broken Promises: Players have the option to trade resources, game cards or even make promises of future favours in a desperate attempt to succeed in an altruistic and personal endeavours. As with real-life, promises can be broken, and players are under no obligation to uphold or honour agreements made. And with this notion in mind, lies the game’s suspense. Who can be trusted in this dark world?

