Verlag: Starnberger Spiele
Autor/in: Tanja Philippeit
Illustrator/in: Tanja Philippeit
Personenanzahl von: 2–6
Spieldauer: 30 minutes
Altersempfehlung: 6+
Educational games Memo games Remember

The memo game for travel and culture lovers

Hamburg's Speicherstadt, the Taj Mahal in India, New York's Statue of Liberty, the pyramids in Egypt, the Inca city of Machu Picchu - they all have one thing in common: they are unique cultural assets protected by UNESCO. Get to know 36 of the most important cultural sites in the world in this fantastic memo game and train your memory and concentration skills at the same time!

- for 2-6 players

- from 6 years

- Game duration approx. 30 minutes


36 high-quality picture motifs on 72 sturdy playing cards in 6 x 6 cm format.

Game instructions with detailed information on the motifs

Made in Germany

