Verlag: Starnberger Spiele
Autor/in: Tanja Philippeit
Illustrator/in: Tanja Philippeit
Personenanzahl von: 2–6
Spieldauer: 30 minutes
Altersempfehlung: 6+
Autor/in: Tanja Philippeit
Illustrator/in: Tanja Philippeit
Personenanzahl von: 2–6
Spieldauer: 30 minutes
Altersempfehlung: 6+
Educational games
Memo games
The earth from above
In search of the most pairs of pictures, the players take a bird's eye view and look at the earth from above. In doing so, they not only train their memory and concentration skills. In the process, they playfully get to know fascinating landscapes and buildings all over the world from a new perspective.
36 high-quality picture motifs on 72 sturdy playing cards in 6 x 6 cm format
Game instructions with detailed information about the motifs